Coaching Testimonials

I have thoroughly enjoyed the five and a half years that I have had lessons with Louise; she is a perfect balance of professional and friendly and her expertise is clearly apparent! She has taught me so much and helped me develop and strengthen my voice as it has grown and changed, constantly challenging and supporting me and pushing me to become better. She is a brilliant teacher and a lovely person and I would definitely recommend her if you are looking for vocal lessons.”Joel, 18

“I was taught singing for over a year by Louise and over that time we further built our friendship and she was and still is so supportive of everything I accomplish regarding singing/ musical theatre. I was very scared ahead of my first lesson as I suffered from low self confidence, and struggled to even sing basic things; after that first lesson Louise made me realise just how much I had achieved and that I would only continue to improve. What I particularly loved with Louise, that no other teacher had done, was learn about the very important sides to singing and voice; breathing and learning about how the voice worked was so important. The more I learnt about how I should be using my voice, the more natural it became and sometimes I didn’t even need to apply it, it just happened. It was times like this that the level of teaching really became clear. The balance between singing and studying was just right. I really loved my time with Louise and we had so much fun and I would defintiely recommend her.” – Louise, 16

“I would definitely recommend Louise as a singing teacher because she’s helped my singing progress in so many ways! I am much more confident after having lessons and my voice got stronger every lesson! The techniques were brilliant and I don’t do any singing now without warning up properly first!” – Charlotte, 18

“Louise helped me not only with singing techniques, but with understanding my own voice, where its potential lead and where its limits were. With Louise’s help I was able to sing confidently and in a way the comfortably suited my voice. She encouraged me to be the performer I am today.” – Jay, 20

“Louise is a brilliant teacher and really inspired me and gave me a lot of technical support that’s improved my confidence performing!” – Frank, 17